
Impacts on the economy, energy and transport

What effects will policy measures have on the economy, society and households? How will energy and the vehicle fleet develop by 2050?

Evaluation of policies

What policy measures to protect the environment are effective?

Scenarios and trends

What are the significant socio-economic, technological and environmental trends with a potential impact on the environment in the Czech Republic?

Public opinion

How do people perceive complex issues such as climate change or sustainability? How to communicate these problems and policies? Which policy measures are more acceptable than others?

Behaviour and consumption

What effects will policy measures have on the economy, society and households? How will energy and the vehicle fleet develop by 2050?


How do people perceive complex issues such as climate change or sustainability? How to communicate these problems and policies? Which policy measures are more acceptable than others?

European Green Deal

What will the "Green Deal for Europe" bring to the Czech Republic?

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