Evaluation of policies
- retrospective (ex post) policy evaluation
- economic and legal analysis of the functioning of financial, support, and voluntary instruments
- evaluation of financial instruments to support renewable energy, clean transport, and sustainable agriculture
- evaluation of biodiversity support measures, adaptation measures, and nature and landscape conservation programmes
- analysis of corporate volunteering
Team members
Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
email: vojtech.maca@czp.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 220 199 478
Topics: Environmental law and economics (quantification of externalities, economic instruments, non-market valuation methods)
Publications: Publications – own list | Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId
Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology, Charles University Environment Centre, researcher
e-mail: milan.scasny@czp.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 220 199 477
Topics: consumer behaviour and household demand, determinants of environmentally-significant behaviour, non-market valuation with a special focus on health risks and health benefits, assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, distributional aspects of environmental regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs
Publications: Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId, other publications on ResearchGate a EconPapers
Teaching: Environmental Economics (Institute of Economic Studies, FSV CUNI, master program)
Ing. Vladimír Kubeček
Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
e-mail: vladimir.kubecek@czp.cuni.cz
Topics: energy economics, energy statistics, energy policies
Matěj Opatrný MSc. , Ph.D.
Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
e-mail: matej.opatrny@czp.cuni.cz
tel: +420 728 154 022
Topics: Assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs, assessment of agri-environmental measures
Publications: ORCID, RePEc, Scopus Author ID, ResearcherId
e-mail: kocenda@fsv.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 222 112 321
Topics: Applied Economics and Econometrics, International Finance, Transitional Economies, European Integration, Business Performance and Management, Non-Linear Procedures
Publications: RePEc citation profile, Google Scholar citation count, Scopus
Teaching: Institute of Economic Studies, Department of Econometrics
e-mail: karel-janda@seznam.cz
tel.: +420 222 112 316
Topics: Microeconomics of banking, economics of natural resources
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods
prof. JUDr. Milan Damohorský , DrSc.
e-mail: damohors@prf.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 221 005 111, +420 221 005 370
Topics: environmental law; construction, agricultural, land, mining and energy law
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Environmental Law
JUDr. Michal Sobotka , Ph.D.
Topics: Environmental law, cross-cutting instruments of environmental protection, legal regulation of waste management, legal regulation of water protection
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Environmental Law
prof. Ing. Jakub Fischer, Ph.D.
Topics: socio-economic statistics and national accounting, in particular issues of statistical capture of social, economic and environmental phenomena and processes
Publications: Publons
Teaching: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague
Jakub Krafka
Project Manager and Solution Architect, DATLAB
PhDr. Ing. Jiří Skuhrovec, Ph.D.
e-mail: jskuhrovec@gmail.com
tel.: +420 222 112 316
Topics: public procurement, virtual economies, monetary theory, robust statistics
Štěpán Chalupa
email: stepan.chalupa@komoraoze.cz
tel: +420 603 420 387
Mgr. Aleš Kuták
Topics: reducing the negative impacts of transport on the environment
Ing. Bc. Kamila Vávrová, Ph.D.
e-mail: vavrova@tacr.cz
tel.: +420 777 456 724
Topics: Phytoenergy, potential and economics of biomass
Publications: Scopus
RNDr. Dušan Romportl, Ph.D.
e-mail: romportl@vukoz.cz
tel.: +420 296 528 242
Topics: GIS, landscape ecology, landscape classification, landscape typology, species distribution modeling
Publications: Scopus
prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D.
e-mail: cechura@pef.czu.cz
tel.: +420 224 382 052
Topics: productivity and efficiency analysis, CAP assessment and theoretical and empirical modeling of agri-food market functioning and market power in agri-food chains
Publications: Scopus