Evaluation of policies

  • retrospective (ex post) policy evaluation
  • economic and legal analysis of the functioning of financial, support, and voluntary instruments
  • evaluation of financial instruments to support renewable energy, clean transport, and sustainable agriculture
  • evaluation of biodiversity support measures, adaptation measures, and nature and landscape conservation programmes
  • analysis of corporate volunteering

Team members

JUDr. Vojtěch Máca, Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
email: vojtech.maca@czp.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 220 199 478
Topics: Environmental law and economics (quantification of externalities, economic instruments, non-market valuation methods)
Publications: Publications – own list |  Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId

Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.

Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology, Charles University Environment Centre, researcher
e-mail: milan.scasny@czp.cuni.cz
tel.: +420 220 199 477
Topics: consumer behaviour and household demand, determinants of environmentally-significant behaviour, non-market valuation with a special focus on health risks and health benefits, assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, distributional aspects of environmental regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs
Publications: Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId, other publications on ResearchGate a EconPapers
Teaching: Environmental Economics (Institute of Economic Studies, FSV CUNI, master program)

Ing. Vladimír Kubeček

Ing. Vladimír Kubeček

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
e-mail:  vladimir.kubecek@czp.cuni.cz
Topics: energy economics, energy statistics, energy policies

Matěj Opatrný MSc.

Matěj Opatrný MSc. , Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
e-mail: matej.opatrny@czp.cuni.cz
tel: +420 728 154 022
Topics: Assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs, assessment of agri-environmental measures
Publications: ORCIDRePEcScopus Author ID, ResearcherId

Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Director of Postgraduate Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies
e-mail: kocenda@fsv.cuni.cz
tel.: +420  222 112 321
Topics: Applied Economics and Econometrics, International Finance, Transitional Economies, European Integration, Business Performance and Management, Non-Linear Procedures
Publications: RePEc citation profileGoogle Scholar citation count, Scopus
Teaching: Institute of Economic StudiesDepartment of Econometrics
prof. Ing. Karel Janda M.A., Dr., Ph.D.
Professor, Head of the Department of Microeconomics, Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies
e-mail: karel-janda@seznam.cz
tel.: +420  222 112 316
Topics: Microeconomics of banking, economics of natural resources
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Department of Microeconomics and Mathematical Methods
prof. JUDr. Milan Damohorský DrSc.

prof. JUDr. Milan Damohorský , DrSc.

Head of the Department of Environmental Law, Charles University, Faculty of Law
e-mail: damohors@prf.cuni.cz
tel.:  +420 221 005 111, +420 221 005 370
Topics: environmental law; construction, agricultural, land, mining and energy law
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Environmental Law
JUDr. Michal Sobotka Ph.D.

JUDr. Michal Sobotka , Ph.D.

e-mail: sobotka@prf.cuni.cz tel.: +420 221 005 382
Topics: Environmental law, cross-cutting instruments of environmental protection, legal regulation of waste management, legal regulation of water protection
Publications: Publikace
Teaching: Charles University, Faculty of Law, Department of Environmental Law
prof. Ing. Jakub Fischer, Ph.D.

prof. Ing. Jakub Fischer, Ph.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague
Topics: socio-economic statistics and national accounting, in particular issues of statistical capture of social, economic and environmental phenomena and processes
Publications: Publons
Teaching: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague

Jakub Krafka

Project Manager and Solution Architect, DATLAB

PhDr. Ing. Jiří Skuhrovec

PhDr. Ing. Jiří Skuhrovec, Ph.D.

He leads a team focused on data analysis of public contracts. Co-author of the evaluation of contracting authorities from zindex.cz, market research tool tenderman.cz
e-mail:  jskuhrovec@gmail.com
tel.: +420  222 112 316
Topics: public procurement, virtual economies, monetary theory, robust statistics

Štěpán Chalupa

Chairman of the Chamber of Renewable Energy Sources
email: stepan.chalupa@komoraoze.cz
tel: +420 603 420 387

Mgr. Aleš Kuták

Expert for subsidy programs and external relations, Chamber of Renewable Energy
Topics: reducing the negative impacts of transport on the environment
Ing. Kamila Vávrová, Ph.D.

Ing. Bc. Kamila Vávrová, Ph.D.

Member of the board of the TA CR, researcher at the Silva Taroucy Institute
e-mail: vavrova@tacr.cz
tel.: +420 777 456 724
Topics: Phytoenergy, potential and economics of biomass
Publications: Scopus
RNDr. Dušan Romportl, Ph.D.

RNDr. Dušan Romportl, Ph.D.

Head of the Biological Risks Department at the Silva Taroucy Research Institute
e-mail:  romportl@vukoz.cz
tel.: +420 296 528 242
Topics: GIS, landscape ecology, landscape classification, landscape typology, species distribution modeling
Publications: Scopus
prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D

prof. Ing. Lukáš Čechura, Ph.D.

Professor, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
e-mail: cechura@pef.czu.cz
tel.: +420 224 382 052
Topics: productivity and efficiency analysis, CAP assessment and theoretical and empirical modeling of agri-food market functioning and market power in agri-food chains
Publications: Scopus
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