Impacts on the economy, energy and transport

  • evaluation of policies before their implementation (ex-ante)
  • modelling of the potential impacts of proposed policies and measures on the economy and society (Regulatory Impact Assessment, Cost-Benefit Analysis), short-term predictions (input-output analysis) to long-term impact analysis with a CGE model and a macro-econometric model
  • regional impact analysis, including regional input-output analysis (RIOA)
  • analysis of the evolution of the vehicle fleet and the use of alternative technologies in transport
  • simulation of socio-economic impacts on households, energy poverty and inequalities
  • energy and transport developments to 2050, including analysis of Fit-for-55 targets
  • evaluation of the objectives and measures of the European Green Deal
  • investment gap analysis
  • for impact analysis, predictions and projections, the team of Charles University develops the following models: input-output analysis, dynamic general equilibrium model of the Czech economy, macro-econometric model E3ME, energy system optimization model TIMES-CZ, micro-simulation model DASMOD

Team members

Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology, Charles University Environment Centre, researcher
tel.: +420 220 199 477
Topics: consumer behaviour and household demand, determinants of environmentally-significant behaviour, non-market valuation with a special focus on health risks and health enefits, assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, distributional aspects of environmental regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs
Publications: Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId, other publications on ResearchGate a EconPapers
Teaching: Environmental Economics (Institute of Economic Studies, FSV CUNI, master program)
Mgr. Lukáš Rečka, Ph.D.

Mgr. Lukáš Rečka, Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
tel.: +420 220 199 477
Topics: energy and environmental economics, energy modelling
Publications: Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId
Teaching: Environmental Economics (TA, IES FSV UK)

JUDr. Vojtěch Máca, Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
tel.: +420 220 199 478
Topics: Environmental law and economics (quantification of externalities, economic instruments, non-market valuation methods)
Publications: Publications – own list |  Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId

Ing. Vladimír Kubeček

Ing. Vladimír Kubeček

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
Topics: energy economics, energy statistics, energy policies
Mgr. Vědunka Kopečná

Mgr. Vědunka Kopečná, Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
tel: +420 728 154 022
Topics: energy and environmental economics, energy modelling
Publications: ORCID – Scopus ResearcherId
Teaching: Environmental Economics (TA, IES FSV UK)

prof. Ing. Jakub Fischer, Ph.D.

prof. Ing. Jakub Fischer, Ph.D.

Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague
Topics: socio-economic statistics and national accounting, in particular issues of statistical capture of social, economic and environmental phenomena and processes
Publications: Publons
Teaching: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in Prague

Iñaki Veruete Villegas

Research assistant, Intern
tel: +420 222 112 316
Topics: input-output analysis of regulation Impacts

doc. Ing. Jaroslav Sixta, Ph.D.

Deputy Chairman of the Czech Statistical Office, Docent of the Department of Economic Statistics of the University of Economics in Prague
tel: +420 224 095 451
Publications: Scopus
Teaching: Faculty of Business Administration
PhDr. Dita Tesárková

PhDr. Dita Tesárková

Director and Chairman of the Board of EEIP, a.s.
tel: +420 257 222 406

Štěpán Chalupa

Chairman of the Chamber of Renewable Energy Sources
tel: +420 603 420 387

Mgr. Aleš Kuták

Expert for subsidy programs and external relations, Chamber of Renewable Energy
Topics: reducing the negative impacts of transport on the environment
Dr. Dóra Fazekas

Dr. Dóra Fazekas

Managing Director of CE’s new base in Central and Eastern Europe
tel: +420 257 222 406
Topics: applying economic and econometric analysis to inform climate and energy policymakers, sustainable investment: quantifying climate-related financial risks
Publications: scopus
Bence Kiss-Dobronyi MSc.

Bence Kiss-Dobronyi MSc.

Principal Modeling Economist in the Budapest office of Cambridge Econometrics
Topics: Fit-for-55 and Green Recovery impact modeling, digital trade research and impact analysis of the proposed EU carbon border adjustment mechanism, macro-economic model E3ME
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