Scenarios and trends

  • we develop foresight methods to identify new social, technological and environmental trends that have not been systematically and consistently monitored in the Czech Republic
  • long-term scenarios will be developed that will contribute to the understanding of the transformation processes, the impacts of which will be analysed

Team members

Mgr. Ondřej Pokorný

Mgr. Ondřej Pokorný

Analyst and project manager in the department of strategic studies of the Technological Center of Czech Academy of Sciences
phone: +420 234 006 149
Topics: developing the use of foresight methods for strategic decision-making and methods for identifying new social and technological trends
Publications:  Scopus
Department of Atmospheric Physics, Charles University
tel.: +420 951 552 514
Publications: Scopus
Teaching: MFF UK
Mgr. Vědunka Kopečná

Mgr. Vědunka Kopečná, Ph.D.

Researcher at SEEPIA and the Charles University Environment Centre
tel: +420 728 154 022
Topics: energy and environmental economics, energy modelling
Publications: ORCID – Scopus – ResearcherId
Teaching: Environmental Economics (TA, IES FSV UK)

Mgr. Milan Ščasný, Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Environmental Economics and Sociology, Charles University Environment Centre, researcher
tel.: +420 220 199 477
Topics: consumer behaviour and household demand, determinants of environmentally-significant behaviour, non-market valuation with a special focus on health risks and health benefits, assessment of economic and environmental impacts of regulation, distributional aspects of environmental regulation, quantification of environmental damage and external costs
Publications: Orcid – Scopus – ResearcherId, other publications on ResearchGate a EconPapers
Teaching: Environmental Economics (Institute of Economic Studies, FSV CUNI, master program)
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